Thank You All For A Great Spring!

It is has been a while since our last post. We were enjoying a short but very sweet spring rafting season! Our snow pack in Northern California was only about 35% of normal but a nice steady melt and some amazing guests made for great trips through May including a day inflatable kayaking the South Fork. On the Owyhee in far eastern Oregon the snow pack was even worse and we were looking at the strong possibility of not being able to run even one trip. But after discussions with guests, guides, and long looks at the weather we decided to go for a 450 cfs shot on the Lower Owyhee. The group battled wind, a little snow, very low water, and had what seems to be our most warmly received trip of the year (a few have already booked another trip this summer)!
So, to everyone who joined us rafting this spring on the California Salmon, The Owyhee, Clear Creek, and the Klamath – THANK YOU!