The winter Newsletter is out. It has lots of info on our spring trips and our new river trips for 06.
We have had a crazy winter so far with the rain, snow, and flooding. But it should make for an amazing spring rafting season. Our Cal Salmon season is already starting to book up and we are really excited about our middle Owyhee trip. You can read the whole newsletter here.
Since it is MLK Day here are some wonderful quotes from the man himself:
“Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.”
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. “
“Ten thousand fools proclaim themselves into obscurity, while one wise man forgets himself into immortality. “